
APHL-CDC Public Health Laboratory Fellowship Program

APHL-CDC Public Health Laboratory Fellowship Program

Texas State University

Texas State University

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The Association of Public Health Laboratories - US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (APHL-CDC) has expanded its Fellowship Program, aiming to grow the public health laboratory workforce with skilled and qualified early career individuals. The Public Health Laboratory Fellowship Program supports a wide spectrum of program areas such as: Bioinformatics; Biorisk Management (biosafety); Environmental Health; Infectious Disease; Informatics; Food Safety; Newborn Screening; Quality Management. Each fellow will be trained in alignment with established public health laboratory core competencies and functions, and will work on unique program-specific projects at their host laboratory. Fellowship terms are one year, with a possible extension for a second year, depending on the fellowship and funding availability. APHL offers flexible start dates. APHL provides a health insurance allowance within the stipend to each fellow to purchase their own health insurance. Health insurance is required by the fellow's start date and throughout the program; proof must be supplied to APHL prior to the start date. Fellows will receive a one-time relocation stipend in their first or second paycheck to help offset the costs of moving closer to their host laboratory. Stipend amounts shown are at their starting base salary, and may be increased based on factors such as education, experience and locality: Bachelor's: $44,770 Master's: $54,765 Doctorate: $66,258

Discipline: Applied Arts, Business, Education, Health Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM), Visual and Performing Arts

Eligibility: Applicants must: be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, at least 18 years old have completed at least a bachelor's degree by program start date; applicants encouraged to apply regardless of degree major be prepared to be Fellows for one year, attend professional development opportunities, and complete periodic reports/surveys as well as training curriculum

Academic level: Masters, Doctoral, Postdoctoral

Citizenship: U.S. Citizen, Permanent Resident

Award amount: $44,770-$66,258

Award category: Experiential, Professional Development, Research

Award cycle: Rolling


Contact: fellowships@aphl.org

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