
Science 2025 - 2026

What are the scientific disciplines?

Science departments:

Science is divided into four main sections, each section covers a specific set of angles of knowledge, and science in general covers the knowledge and topics we use mainly in our lives, as it includes chemistry, physics, mathematics and astronomy. It should be noted that the main scientific departments called pure or abstract sciences are:

  1.         Mathematics and Logic.
  2.         Biological science.
  3.         Physical sciences.
  4.         Social sciences.

First: Mathematics and Logic:

Mathematics and logic are fundamentally coherent and closely related. One does not abandon the other, and their importance lies in the great role they play in both the social and natural sciences. We also need logic and mathematics mainly for many things in our lives, such as the formation of laws; there is no law without logic, and to introduce hypotheses and theories, just as scientists greatly need logic and mathematics to extract facts.

Second: Life sciences:

Biology, or life sciences, specializes in the study of living things, where the life sciences are divided into various subjects such as forestry; it is the science that studies animals, botany, ecology and paleontology.

Third: Physical sciences:

The physical sciences include geography, chemistry, astronomy and, of course, physics.

Fourth: Social sciences:

The social sciences are a fundamental branch of science, which is the science in which society studies and the relationship of the individual with it. It also includes the study of anthropology, sociology, philosophy, economics, psychology and geography under the human aspect, i.e. the social aspect.

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