
Phi Kappa Phi Dissertation Fellowship

Phi Kappa Phi Dissertation Fellowship

Texas State University

Texas State University

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30 Nov 2023
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Partial funding
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Phi Kappa Phi is the nation's oldest and most selective multidisciplinary collegiate honor society. Through its award and grant programs, Phi Kappa Phi distributes more than $1 million each biennium to outstanding students, Phi Kappa Phi members, and chapters. The Dissertation Fellowship supports students in the dissertation writing stage of doctoral study. Awards are for 12 months of dissertation writing. All pre-dissertation requirements should be met by the application deadline, including approval of the dissertation proposal. The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi awards fifteen Dissertation Fellowships of $10,000 each to active members who are doctoral candidates and are completing dissertations.

Discipline: Applied Arts, Business, Education, Health Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM), Visual and Performing Arts

Eligibility: The Dissertation Fellowship is open to all active (dues current) Phi Kappa Phi members or those who have accepted membership by the application deadline, and: attend a doctoral-granting institution of higher education have completed all pre-dissertation requirements have endorsement of the dissertation chair

Academic level: Doctoral

Citizenship: U.S. Citizen, Permanent Resident, International

Award amount: $10,000

Award category: Educational

Award cycle: Annual


Contact: Kelli Partin, Awards Manager 800.804.9880, ext. 235 kpartin@phikappaphi.org

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