
Campaign Board Create Change Residential Scholarship

Campaign Board Create Change Residential Scholarship

Australia 09 Nov 2024
The university of Queensland Australia

The university of Queensland Australia

State University, Browse similar opportunities


State University
Host Country
09 Nov 2024
Study level
Opportunity type
Opportunity funding
Full funding
Eligible Countries
This opportunity is destined for all countries
Eligible Region
All Regions
Enrolment status: Future UQ student, Current UQ student
Student type: Domestic
Study level: Undergraduate
Study level: All study areas
Scholarship focus: Accommodation, Financial hardship
Scholarship value: Up to $4,500
Scholarship duration: Up to 3 years
Number awarded: 1
Applications open: August 2024


You're eligible if you:

  • are part of the UQ Young Achievers program
  • are a domestic student
  • can demonstrate financial need
  • are enrolled, or intend to enrol, in an approved program in the year the scholarship is awarded
  • are, or intend to be, a resident at an approved accommodation provider
  • meet any other eligibility criteria as specified in the named Addenda

Selection criteria:

The Scholarship will be awarded based on student’s home geographical location, or other challenging circumstances, and need to relocate to study at UQ.

About this scholarship:

This Scholarship was established in 2020 under the Create Change Scholarship Match Initiative and is maintained by the income generated from an endowment fund established by a donation from the Frazer Family Foundation. 

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