
UQ Physiotherapy Endowed Scholarships

UQ Physiotherapy Endowed Scholarships

Australia 26 Apr 2021
The university of Queensland Australia

The university of Queensland Australia

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0 $
State University
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26 Apr 2021
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Opportunity funding
Full funding
Eligible Countries
This opportunity is destined for all countries
Eligible Region
All Regions


A range of named Scholarships sit within the UQ Physiotherapy Endowed Scholarships initiative. Details of each of these named Scholarships are given below and within the Scholarship rules which can be located under the ‘how to apply’ tab. Please note, students only need to apply once to be considered for all relevant scholarships within this initiative.

Ailsa Munro Physiotherapy Student Scholarship

The Scholarship was established in 2011 and is maintained by the income from a bequest from Ailsa Munro, a greatly respected, retired physiotherapist, who graduated with the first cohort of students from the physiotherapy program at The University of Queensland in 1941.

Additional Definitions:

  • Scholarship means the Ailsa Munro Physiotherapy Student Scholarship.
  • Rural Area means the student must reside in RA2 (inner regional), RA3 (outer regional), RA4 (remote) or RA5 (very remote) area. Remoteness Areas are defined by the Australian Statistical Geography Standard – Remoteness Area structure (ASGS -RA).

Number Awarded:


Value and Duration:

$6,750 for one year

Additional Eligibility Criteria:

(a) Is a domestic student in accordance with the University’s Student Fees Policy; and

(b) Is enrolled in the Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) or Master of Physiotherapy Studies programs who has completed either –

                (i) the first two years of the Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) program; or

                (ii) the first year of the Master of Physiotherapy Studies program.

Additional Selection Criteria:

The Scholarship will be awarded to the applicants who show the greatest merit as demonstrated by:

(a) academic achievement in courses undertaken in relevant program; and

(b) strength of personal statement demonstrating how the Scholarship will assist completion of an Approved Program.

Preference will be given to applicants from a Rural Area.

Prue Galley Physiotherapy Scholarship

The Scholarship was established in 2019 under the Create Change Scholarship Match Initiative and is maintained by income generated from the endowment fund.

Additional Definitions:

  • Scholarship means the Prue Galley Physiotherapy Scholarship.

Number Awarded:

One Scholarship may be awarded per year.

Value and Duration:

The value of the Scholarship will be at least $4,500 but limited to the annual income from the fund.

Additional Eligibility Criteria:

Is enrolled full-time in Year 3 or 4 of the Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) program.

Gwendolen Jull AO Physiotherapy Scholarship

The Scholarship was established in 2020 by Emeritus Professor Gwendolen Jull AO under the Create Change Scholarship Match Initiative and is maintained by income generated from the endowment fund.

Additional Definitions

  • Scholarship means the Gwendolen Jull AO Physiotherapy Scholarship.
  • GPA means Grade Point Average as determined by The University of Queensland.

Number Awarded:

One Scholarship may be awarded per year.

Value and Duration:

The value of the Scholarship will be at least $4,500 but limited to the annual income from the fund.

Additional Eligibility Criteria

Preference will be given to the applicant with the highest GPA in the Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) program.


(1) A student is eligible for a Scholarship if the student:

                (a)          can demonstrate financial need;

                (b)          submits an application to the Head, by the closing date for applications; and

                (c)           is enrolled in an Approved Program at The University of Queensland

(2) To be eligible for a Named Scholarship (please see respective descriptions below), the student must also meet any additional eligibility requirements for that scholarship set out in Addendum 1.

How to apply

Applicants should have completed at least their first two years of the Bachelor of Physiotherapy Studies (Honours) program, or completed the first year of the Master of Physiotherapy Studies program prior to 2021.

Please note, students only need to complete the application process once to be considered for all relevant scholarships within this initiative.

To apply, students must complete an application via the “apply online” button.

Selection criteria

The selection criteria related to the relevant Scholarships can be found in the attached rules document.

Students are encouraged to read this prior to applying.

Scholarship value : Variable as per Addendum 1 for Named Scholarships (See Scholarship Rules)

Number awarded : Variable as per Addendum 1 for Named Scholarships (See Scholarship Rules)

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