
Alumni Friends Memorial Undergraduate Scholarships

Alumni Friends Memorial Undergraduate Scholarships

Australia 06 Sep 2024
The university of Queensland Australia

The university of Queensland Australia

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06 Sep 2024
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Full funding
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Enrolment status: Current UQ student
Student type: Domestic, International
Study level: Undergraduate
Study level: Arts, humanities and social sciences
Scholarship focus: Academic excellence, Financial hardship
Scholarship value: At least $4,500 per year
Scholarship duration: Up to 4 years
Number awarded: 1
Applications open: 5 August 2024


You're eligible if you:

  • are enrolled full-time in a major or extended major in the following fields of study:
    • Ancient History
    • Ancient History/History
    • Ancient Greek
    • Latin
    • Classical Languages
  • can demonstrate financial need.

Selection criteria:

We'll consider:

  • evidence of financial need
  • academic capability and future academic potential
  • any other evidence which may be deemed relevant to your future success in your field of study.

About this scholarship:

The Betty Fletcher Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship was established in 2019 by Friends of Antiquity, a special interest group of Alumni Friends of The University of Queensland Inc., under the Create Change Scholarship Match Initiative. The Scholarship is maintained by income generated from the Betty Fletcher Memorial Undergraduate Endowment Fund.

Betty Fletcher (née Elizabeth Robertson) was awarded a 1st Class Honours in Classics (1931) and 1932 Honours in Philosophy, both at UQ. Betty was an excellent scholar, athlete, teacher, and generous benefactor. Betty was a generous benefactor, and an inspiration to all who knew her. In 1988 Betty was chosen as Patron of Friends of Antiquity, a position she held until her death in 1990. More information about the life and work of this scholar and benefactor is available in the 2017 RD Milns Antiquities Museum exhibition Betty Fletcher: Lover of Wisdom, Lover of Beauty, Lover of Humanity

The Don Barrett AM Scholarship was established in 2023 through a gift from Alumni Friends under the Queensland Commitment scheme and maintained by income generated from an underlying endowment fund to acknowledge Donald Steele Barrett (Don)’s tireless service and support of UQ. 

The Dr Stephen G Papas OAM Scholarship was established in 2023 through a gift from Alumni Friends under the Queensland Commitment scheme and maintained by income generated from an underlying endowment fund. Dr Stephen George Papas OAM was one of the founding members of The Alumni Association of the University of Queensland (AAUQ, now Alumni Friends). 

The Heyworth-Smith Scholarship was established in 2023 through a gift from Alumni Friends under the Queensland Commitment scheme and maintained by income generated from any underlying endowment fund. The Heyworth-Smith family has a long-standing connection with Alumni Friends, Friends of Antiquity and the UQ Alumni Book Fair.

Alumni Friends of The University of Queensland Inc. dated back to 1967, when UQ sponsored the formation of an association to foster relationships with UQ alumni. Friends of Antiquity was established in 1988 as a special interest group of the Association to support Classics and Ancient History at UQ.


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