
Boeing Aerospace Engineering Scholarship

Boeing Aerospace Engineering Scholarship

Australia 15 Mar 2021
The university of Queensland Australia

The university of Queensland Australia

State University, Browse similar opportunities


Total reward
0 $
State University
Host Country
15 Mar 2021
Study level
Opportunity type
Opportunity funding
Full funding
Eligible Countries
This opportunity is destined for all countries
Eligible Region
All Regions


This scholarship encourages and supports meritorious second or third year students who are enrolled in the following programs:

  • Bachelor of Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
  • Bachelor of Engineering/Masters of Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Masters of Engineering.


An applicant is eligible for the scholarship, if the applicant -

  • submits an application to the Associate Dean, by the closing date for applications; and
  • is a domestic student within the meaning of the Fee Rules; and
  • is enrolled full time in the second or third year of an approved undergraduate engineering program in a relevant field; and
  • does not hold a scholarship that the Associate Dean considers to be similar.

How to apply

Please submit an application by using the online form by the due date.

Selection criteria

The scholarship is awarded to the applicant showing greatest merit as demonstrated by:

  • academic achievement in courses undertaken to date in the approved undergraduate engineering program in the relevant field,
  • strength of interest that the applicant demonstrates in pursuing a career in a field of engineering relevant to Boeing Australia,
  • personal qualities (including leadership potential),
  • any other matter that the selection committee considers to be relevant to the applicant's future success in the engineering profession, and
  • where all other considerations are equal, preference will be given to female or indigenous students.

Scholarship value : $6000

Number awarded : 2

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