
Royal Australasian College of Physicians RACP Foundation Jacquot Research Entry Scholarships

Royal Australasian College of Physicians RACP Foundation Jacquot Research Entry Scholarships

Australia 19 Jul 2021
The university of Queensland Australia

The university of Queensland Australia

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19 Jul 2021
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Full funding
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This opportunity is destined for all countries
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All Regions


The purpose of the Jacquot Research Entry Scholarship is to provide stipend support for Fellows or trainees in nephrology to undertake a research higher degree. Projects may be in basic, clinical, epidemiological or public health aspects of nephrology.

Research Entry Scholarships provide stipend support to assist Fellows and trainees who are:

  • at the start of their research careers
  • enrolled or about to enrol in a Masters, PhD or equivalent research higher degree

When applying, ensure you allowed enough time for your supervisor to complete the supervisor statement section. This section must be submitted by the closing date for your application to be considered complete.

This Scholarship is supported by a bequest from the late Don and Lorraine Jacquot and co-administered with the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology (ANZSN).


Nephrology Fellows and Advanced Trainees of the RACP undertaking full or part-time study.

How to apply

Before you get started

Please read the details of the application here, the FAQs provided here, as well as the sample application form.

How to apply

Please download the application form once the scheme opens and submit the completed form and requested documents online.

Applications for Research Entry Scholarships and Research Development Scholarships require an assessment from your supervisor. See a sample supervisor statement that shows the information required from your supervisor.

Application form  /  Apply online

Applicants must submit an application on the online application form. Hard copies, pdf or word documents sent by email will not be accepted.


RACP Senior Administration Officer

Scholarship value : Up to $45,000 per annum

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