
$25,000 Matthews & Swift Educational Trust Scholarships 2024-24

$25,000 Matthews & Swift Educational Trust Scholarships 2024-24

for9a Mina7

for9a Mina7

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Opportunity funding
Partial funding
Eligible Countries
This opportunity is destined for all countries
Eligible Region
All Regions
  • Offered By
    Knights of Columbus

  • State

  • Description
    Educational Trust Scholarships are available to children of members in good standing who, while serving in the military forces of their country in a combat zone, specifically designated as such by the Board of Directors, are killed by hostile action or wounded by hostile action resulting within two years thereof in permanent and total disability. Applications must be filed within two years of the death or determination of total and permanent disability of the member. Scholarships may also be awarded to children of members in good standing who are full-time law enforcement officers or full-time firefighters who, while in the lawful performance of their duties, died as a result of criminal violence directed at them. Applications must be filed within two years of the date of death of the member. The term "children" shall include natural or adopted children of the deceased member who were born within nine months after the member died or, in the case of adoption, were adopted by the member before he suffered the fatal injury, or in the case of a member in the military, before he suffered the permanently and totally disabling injury. Benefits for which eligible children qualify shall be limited to tuition only, up to a maximum of $25,000 per year, but not room, board, books, fees, transportation, dues, computers or supplies. Tuition shall first be reduced by the amount of any scholarships or other grants to which the child shall be entitled. All scholarships are governed by established rules of the Educational Trust Fund. The scholarship is to be used at any Catholic college of the student's choice in the country of the member's domicile at the time of death or disability. Benefits should be applied for on a timely basis and an undergraduate degree achieved in a reasonable time frame.

    1. Essay RequiredUnknown
    2. Recommendations RequiredUnknown
    3. Minimum GPANone

  • Major
    Any Major

  • Type

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