
Eric Joseph & Kathleen Anne Barbach Bursary

Eric Joseph & Kathleen Anne Barbach Bursary

Australia 03 Mar 2024
The university of Queensland Australia

The university of Queensland Australia

State University, Browse similar opportunities


State University
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03 Mar 2024
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Opportunity type
Opportunity funding
Full funding
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This opportunity is destined for all countries
Eligible Region
All Regions
Enrolment status: Current UQ student
Student type: Domestic, International
Study level: Undergraduate
Study level: Engineering
Scholarship focus: Academic excellence
Scholarship value: TBC
Scholarship duration: 1 year
Number awarded: 1
Applications open: 15 January 2024


You're eligible if you:

  • have achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 4.5
  • do not hold a scholarship that the Associate Dean considers to be similar
  •  are studying an engineering discipline associated with the School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering:
    • Aerospace engineering
    • Biomedical engineering
    • Materials Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Mechatronic Engineering
    • Mining engineering.
  • have completed the number of units outlined below:
Approved Engineering Program Minimum number of units completed Maximum number of units completed
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) 28 36
Bachelor of Engineering duals (80 units) 44 52
Bachelor of Engineering duals (88 units) 52 60

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) / Master of Engineering

44 52

Selection criteria:

We'll consider:

  • your academic achievement
  • personal qualities (including leadership potential)
  • any other matter that the selection committee considers to be relevant.

About this scholarship:

Established in 2023 and maintained by an annual gift from an endowment established within the Perpetual Foundation in the memory of Eric Joseph and Kathleen Anne Barbach.

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