
Business Insider Paid Internship in New York, USA

Business Insider Paid Internship in New York, USA


Total reward
0 $
Host Country
On going
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Opportunity type
Opportunity funding
Full funding
Eligible Countries
This opportunity is destined for all countries
Eligible Region
All Regions


Check official website.


The ideal candidate has a voracious appetite for general news and also a knack for finding stories and videos that people want to share. She or he should be obsessed with Facebook and YouTube and Instagram, active on Twitter, and inherently interested in the next thing. This person should also be comfortable working in a fast-paced environment, possess excellent communication skills, and be excited about building Business Insider’s social media presence. A background in video editing is required, experience in journalism or social media is a huge plus.

Eligible Regions: Not specified.

Application Process

Apply online through given website and include a resume and cover letter.

Apply nowOfficial link

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