
Digital Success Scholarship Program

Digital Success Scholarship Program

for9a Mina7

for9a Mina7

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Total reward
0 $
Host Country
30 Nov 2020
Study level
Opportunity type
Opportunity funding
Full funding
Eligible Countries
This opportunity is destined for all countries
Eligible Region
All Regions

Digital Success, is offering a scholarship for local students.

This scholarship is merit-based, requires an essay submission, and the winning applicant will receive a $200.00 scholarship.
All of the application details and essay question are available on our website at this specific Page: https://www.digitalsuccess.us/scholarship.html


Submit a 1000 1500 words essay on one of the following topics. You can also change the topic slightly as far as it is related to digital marketing in any way.

Best Digital Marketing Advice for Local Businesses in post COVID Era (Inclusions of examples will be a great add-on)
Will Social Media be a Gamechanger in US 2020 General Elections in deciding the popularity of Trump Vs Biden?


This is an annual scholarship, and applications are due by November 30th, 2020.

Provider: Digital Success

Contact provider: [email protected]

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