
Engineering Manager Intern at Google

Engineering Manager Intern at Google

China On going
for9a Mina7

for9a Mina7

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Engineering Manager, Data Engine internship is in Google office in China. Data Engine (DE) aims to understand and refine all useful information and help us build better products. The Web Data team manages all the indexed web data used in Google Search and the infrastructure behind it. In this role, you will work closely with other Data Engine teams in Mountain View to collaboratively manage multiple projects. The work of a Software Engineer (SWE) goes way beyond just Search. You not only optimize your own code but make sure engineers are able to optimize theirs. As a SWE Manager you manage your project goals, contribute to product strategy and help develop your team.

Provider: Google

Contact provider: https://www.google.com/contact/?hl=en&_ga=2.182703974.1759587853.1552203838-439937838.1550733961

Related keywords : china, engineering manager intern at google, google, internship, internships at google, opportunities, opportunity,

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