
English Program in Korea (EPIK)

English Program in Korea (EPIK)

Texas State University

Texas State University

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The English Program in Korea (EPIK) was established in 1995 and is affiliated with the Korean Ministry of Education. Since its inception, EPIK has had the goals of improving the English-speaking abilities of Korean students and teachers, developing cultural exchange between Korea and abroad, and of introducing new teaching methods into the Korean education system. To help accomplish these goals, EPIK invites responsible, enthusiastic native English speakers with a motivation to share their knowledge and language with Korean students and teachers within the Korean public school system throughout the country. A leased house/apartment/studio-type room as well as basic household goods will be provided by your Metropolitan Office of Education or Provincial Office of Education (MOE/POE). If housing is unavailable, a monthly rent of 400,000 KRW will be provided by your POE, in lieu of free furnished housing. Contracts are for one year in length. Note: there are no set application deadlines for any given term. Closing dates vary depending on number of positions available & applications received. For the Spring term, applications will open on August 1st of the preceding year. For those interested in the Fall term, applications will open on the February 1st of that year. Be sure to check the funder's homepage for updates.

Discipline: Applied Arts, Business, Education, Health Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM), Visual and Performing Arts

Eligibility: Applicants must: be a citizen or legal resident of one of the following countries: Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States, or South Africa. have studied from at least the junior high level (7th Grade) and graduated from a university in one of the seven designated countries listed above. hold a minimum of a bachelor's degree from an accredited university be mentally and physically healthy have a good command of the English language have the ability & willingness to adapt to Korean culture & life

Academic level: Masters, Doctoral

Citizenship: U.S. Citizen, International

Award amount: 1.8-2.7 million KRW monthly

Award category: Experiential

Award cycle: Annual


Contact: EPIK Office epik@korea.kr

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