
Fully Funded Kenneth Freeman PhD Scholarship at Australian National University 2024-25

Fully Funded Kenneth Freeman PhD Scholarship at Australian National University 2024-25

Australia 31 Dec 2024
Australian National University

Australian National University

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31 Dec 2024
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Full funding
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The Kenneth Freeman PhD Scholarship at Australian National University is open to all nationals. It is offered for PhD degree in the field of Astronomy and Astrophysics. The deadline for sending an application varies. This scholarship is provided by the Australian National University (ANU).

Each year the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics (RSAA) may offer one award known as the Kenneth Freeman PhD Scholarship Award.

  • Paid leave entitlements:
    • 20 working days of recreation leave
    • 10 working days of medical leave
    • 60 working days of additional medical leave
    • 60 working days of parental leave
    • 5 days of partner parental leave
  • Dependent Child Allowance for international students ($3,000/annum/child- max $9000)
  • Relocation reimbursement (capped at $1000 for domestic students, $2500 for international students)
  • Thesis Allowance of up to $500

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