
Roy J. Shlemon Meeting Award

Roy J. Shlemon Meeting Award

Texas State University

Texas State University

State University (United States of America), Browse similar opportunities


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Roy J. Shlemon Meeting Awards are given to graduate students to encourage participation in field trips and short courses held at annual and sectional meetings. Participation in field trips is especially encouraged. An award will pay for meeting registration and the attendance fee for short courses and/or field trips. Transportation, room, and board must be provided by the student. Awardee will be reimbursed for the meeting and/or short courses taken after they've submitted documentation that they attended and will need to pay for the meeting/short courses. Applications can be submitted up to one month before the meeting for which the award is intended.

Discipline: Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM)

Eligibility: Applicants must be student members of the Environmental and Engineering Geology Division of GSA and making satisfactory progress towards their degree.

Academic level: Masters, Doctoral

Citizenship: U.S. Citizen, Permanent Resident, International

Award amount: See "Description" field above

Award category: Professional Development

Award cycle: Annual


Contact: Karin Burger kburger@dpw.lacounty.gov

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