
Turkiye Research Scholarship 2024-25

Turkiye Research Scholarship 2024-25

Turkey 31 Dec 2024
Turkiye Scholarships

Turkiye Scholarships

State University, Browse similar opportunities


State University
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31 Dec 2024
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Partial funding
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The Turkiye Research Scholarship is open to all nationals. It is offered by the Turkish Government with a hefty Monthly Stipend of 12,000 Turkish Lira. This scholarship is one of the popular scholarship programs in Turkey. Turkey is a popular destination for international students.

This scholarship is for international PhD holders, academicians, or students nearing completion of their PhD thesis to cooperate with the Turkish academicians in the most prestigious universities of Türkiye. It is a collaboration between international researchers and academics in Turkey. The duration of the scholarship is 3 to 12 months. The research scholarship has four application periods. It is open throughout the year.

Applicants will receive a monthly stipend of 12000 Turkish Lira.

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