
Volunteering in Görlitz: Christian Primary School in Görlitz 2024

Volunteering in Görlitz: Christian Primary School in Görlitz 2024

Germany 31 May 2024
Volunteering Mina7

Volunteering Mina7

Nonprofit organization (France), Browse similar opportunities


Nonprofit organization
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31 May 2024
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Partial funding
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Date start: 01 Aug 2024

Date end: 31 Jul 2025

The Dietrich-Heise-Schule is an independent Protestant primary school. Children being between 6 - 10 are educated in an environment created by Christian colleagues. The volunteers get their main class, where they work until lunch-time supporting the teacher and helping the pupils who need special care. The School has a polish partner school so there are weekly meetings between the pupils of the schools. During these meetings the children work in TANDEM-teams, learning German or Polish. After the lessons, the children can eat lunch in the school, play outside and take part in various projects and workshops for example choir, musical, acrobatic, art, games. The volunteers supervise all these activities and have the opportunity to implement their own Ideas and Projekts with the children.

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