
Advice for students

Which software do I need to avoid plagiarism

Which software do I need to avoid plagiarism. Many scholars around the world find problems in plagiarism detection, or in choosing the right plagiarism detector software. You can find plenty of websites and software proposing plagiarism detection solutions on net. But you need to verify the quality of the work that they provide before using them. you need to check if these solutions store you work or sell it later. So students and universities need to be aware of this issue. Mina7 com1 ...

How to write a letter to ask for/give advice ?

Letters asking for or giving advice can be formal , informal or semi-formal depending on the situation. A letter asking for advice can be sent to a friend, a consultant or an advice column in a magazine. Details of the problem should be mentioned. A letter giving advice should contain suggestions introduced with appropriate language.

How to write a thank you letter

Sample Thank You Letter: Having completed a formal interview with this organization, Alina sends out a thank you note within 24hours. She sends it via email, as the interviewer has indicated that the organization intends to make adecision about her candidacy within a few days.

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