
medicine abroad

medicine abroad

Study at the University of Trieste in Italy for fellow students

The University of Trieste is open for applications to enroll in one of the university's study programs. The university offers Master's and Doctorate programs in several specializations The University of Trieste is a medium-sized Italian public university located in Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia region. Founded in 1924, it is a member of the Santander network. The university has 12 faculties, currently has about 23,000 students, and a staff of 1,000 professors. Scholarships: Available ...

Grants to do research in UK, medical specialties

The International Multiple Sclerosis Federation offers research grants. The International Multiple Sclerosis Federation was established in 1967 as an international body linking the activities of national MS societies around the world. Duration of two to six months in England in a research laboratory. The amount of the scholarship is £6,000 Before applying you must find a research supervisor. Application deadline June 30, 2023 ...

Scholarship to study medicine in Senegal for students from Morocco 2023

A number of scholarships are available for Moroccan students to study in medicine in Senegal as well as other specialties. -General medicine 89 positions, -Dentistry 10 positions, -Pharmacy 17 positions, -Engineering 29 positions -Agriculture 5 positions. List of medical universities in Senegal Faculty of Medicine of Pharmacy and Odontology Dakar UFR of Health Sciences Thiès UFR of Health Sciences Saint-Louis UFR of Health Sciences Ziguinchor ...

International Student Scholarships at American University of the Caribbean, USA 2022-23

Scholarship Description: International Student Scholarships at American University of the Caribbean, USA 2022-23 is open for International Students . The scholarship allows Graduate level programm(s) in the field of Medicine taught at American University of the Caribbean. The deadline of the scholarship is Open. Degree Level: International Student Scholarships at American University of the Caribbean, USA 2022-23 is available to undertake Graduate level programs at . Available Subjects: Fol1 ...

EVC 2023 : 2737 postes sont ouverts pour les médecins étrangers

Les épreuves de vérification des connaissances (EVC) s’adressent aux praticiens des professions de médecin, chirurgien-dentiste, sage-femme et pharmacien titulaires d’un diplôme obtenu en dehors de l’Union européenne (UE) et permettant l’exercice de leur profession dans le pays d’obtention.C'est la première étape de la procédure d’autorisation d’exercice (PAE). Professions et spécialit&e1 ...

علم الوراثة الطبية

علم الوراثة الطبية هو فرع الطب الذي يشمل تشخيص وعلاج الاضطرابات الوراثية. علم الوراثة الطبية يختلف عن علم الوراثة البشرية في أن علم الوراثة البشرية هو مجال من البحوث العلمية التي قد تنطبق أو لا تنطبق على الطب

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