
Rotary International Youth Exchange Program 2024

Rotary International Youth Exchange Program 2024



Association professionnelle, Parcourir ses opportunités similaires


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The international service organization, Rotary International hosts a number of youths ages 15-19 in more than 100 countries. The main aim of the rotary international youth exchange program is to provide a platform for students to learn a new language, discover another culture, and truly become global citizens.

What is Rotary International?

Rotary International is an international service organization that works to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian service. In addition to that, the organization works to advance goodwill and peace around the world. Rotary International is a non-political and non-religious organization open to all people regardless of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation/identity or political preference. Moreover, there are 35,000+ member clubs worldwide and 1.2 million individual members.

What is Rotary Youth Exchange?

Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) is a Rotary International student exchange program for students in secondary school. Since 1929, Rotary International has sent young people around the globe to experience new cultures. Currently, about 9,000 students are sponsored by Rotary clubs every year. Typically, students are sent to another country for a year-long stay, generally living with multiple host families during the year and being expected to perform daily tasks within the household as well as attend school in the host country. Short term exchange programs are also quite common. These typically involve direct student exchanges between two families arranged through Rotary to coincide with major school holiday periods.

Why Rotary Youth Exchange?

Through the Rotary Youth Exchange, Rotary International hopes to create a more interconnected and understanding world. One of Rotary’s primary goals is promoting peace around the world, and through the Rotary Youth Exchange, it aims to make the world a more peaceful place one exchange at a time. In particular, the Rotary International Exchange Program serves participants will have an opportunity to

Types of Program 

There two types of exchange programs that Rotary Internationa offers. Long-term exchanges last a full academic year, and students attend local schools and live with multiple host families. Short-term exchanges last from several days to three months and are like camps, tours, or homestays that take place when school is not in session.


Candidates who are of ages 15-19 and are leaders in their schools and communities can apply for this program. Interested candidates must contact their local Rotary club to see what exchange opportunities are available and what the application process involves.

Provider: Rotary International

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