
UNIDROIT Internship for International Students in Italy

UNIDROIT Internship for International Students in Italy

Italie En cours


Association professionnelle, Parcourir ses opportunités similaires


Récompense totale
0 $
Association professionnelle
Pays hôte
Date limite
En cours
Niveau d'études
Type d'opportunité
Financement d'opportunité
Financement complet
Pays éligibles
Cette opportunité est destiné à tous les pays
Région éligible
Toutes les régions

UNIDROIT welcomes a select number of domestic as well as international students to participate in the internship program in the work of the Secretariat. Internship activities relate to subjects on the Institute’s current Work Programme, and/or to UNIDROIT instruments that have already been adopted, in particular as regards their implementation and promotion. Interns will generally conduct research on specific aspects of the chosen/assigned subject. Further, they will prepare concept notes, draft documents and reports of meetings, prepare translations. Overall, the interns will generally assist the professional staff of the Secretariat.


UNIDROIT doesn’t compensate the international students in this internship. The length of an internship is three consecutive months. However, the interns may extend the internship period up to a maximum of six months. Further, UNIDROIT  grants Internships for shorter periods on a case by case basis. Also, Interns should be able to provide adequate medical insurance coverage during their stay in Rome.


How To Apply

When applying for an internship, candidates may indicate any preference for their topic of cooperation with the Secretariat. Interns may specify the project(s) on UNIDROIT’s Work Programme they prefer to work on. If applicable, they may also indicate a research project that they intend to pursue on an independent basis in the UNIDROIT library.

Further, candidates are welcome to submit an academic reference letter and/or a statement from a sponsoring institution (university, research center, governmental entity …) to support their application. Application for the UNIDROIT International Internship will require students submitting a CV along with a cover letter. Furthermore, the application submission is via email.

Provider: UNIDROIT

Contact provider: +39 (0)6 69 62 11 or [email protected]

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