
Volunteering in Görlitz: After school nursery of the christian primary school in Görlitz 2024

Volunteering in Görlitz: After school nursery of the christian primary school in Görlitz 2024

Germany 31 May 2024
Volunteering Mina7

Volunteering Mina7

Nonprofit organization (France), Browse similar opportunities


Nonprofit organization
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31 May 2024
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Partial funding
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Date start: 01 Aug 2024

Date end: 31 Jul 2025

Our “Hort” is an after-school center which is an additional offer for families, who need daily care for the children after the lessons until 5 pm and even during holidays (9 am-4 pm). The ”Hort” is located in the school building of the Christian Primary School. We offer 40 places, two of them are for children with disabilities e.g. down syndrome. We are an experienced and qualified team supervising at all times. The daily routine begins with taking care of the children during lunch-time, after that, there are several projects in the afternoon: free and guided play, Doing Homework, project work about celebrations, nature and environmental awareness, Christian offers: telling bible stories, singing and praying, keeping devotions. The tasks of the volunteer are: to play with the children in the house and in the garden, to care for the children during lunch and while doing homework, to start new activities for the children e.g. music, arts, sport games, newspaper, circus The volunteer wil

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