
How to write a letter of invitation

Published in 14 Jul 2020 by @Labidi_Sabrine

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- Letters of invitation can be formal or informal depending on the situation and who we are writing to.

- Letters of invitation can be formal or informal depending on the situation
and who we are writing to. They usually contain some additional information,
for example: latest news, description of the event (party, wedding, etc.)
place (hotel, house, etc.) and/or directions to the place.
Paragraph 1 - reason(s) for writing (to invite)
Main Body
Paragraphs 2-3 - details / directions
Final Paragraph - closing remarks
Full name
Useful Language for Letters of Invitation
Opening Remarks:

- We would be honoured if you...
- I cordially invite you to...
- Your presence would be appreciated at...
- You are invited to attend...
- I'm writing to invite you to...
- I'd love it if you could come to...
- We're organising a ... and would love it if you could come
Closing Remarks:

- We would be grateful if you could...
- Please indicate whether you will be able to attend
- I hope you'll be able to make it...
- Hope you can come
- Looking forward to seeing you then
- Please let me know as soon as possible
Directions can be introduced by using some of the following expressions:
- In case you don't know the way...
- I'll give you some directions...
- I have included some directions...
- Here are a few directions so you don't get lost
- In case you do not know the exact of the...
Accepting an Invitation

Paragraph 1 - thanks for invitation
Main Body
Paragraphs 2-3 - acceptance of invitation, further comments
Final Paragraph - closing remarks
Full name
Useful Language for Letters Accepting an Invitation
Opening Remarks:

- I am writing to thank you for the kind invitation
- Thank you for the kind invitation which I would be honoured to accept

- Thanks for the invitation to ..., sounds lovely...
Closing Remarks:
- I look forward to seeing you...
- We wait the event with great anticipation
- See you then
- We're really looking forward to it
Refusing an Invitation

Paragraph 1 - thanks for invitation
Main Body
Paragraphs 2-3 - refusal of invitation, giving reasons
Final Paragraph - closing remarks
Full name
Useful Language for Letters Refusing an Invitation
Opening Remarks:

- We thank you for your recent invitation to ... but...
- Thank for the invitation, but...
- Thanks for inviting me to ..., but I'm afraid I can't come
Closing Remarks:

- I am sorry to miss the opportunity of...
- Thank you again for the invitation...
- I hope we will have the opportunity to meet
- I hope we can get together some other time
- I'm really sorry we'll have to miss it

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