
Fulbright US Student Program for Study Abroad

Published in 19 Nov 2023 by @Marwen

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Fulbright US Student Program for Study Abroad
Fulbright US Student Program for Study Abroad

Brief description: 

In partnership with more than 140 countries worldwide, the Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers unparalleled opportunities in all academic disciplines to passionate and accomplished graduating college seniors, graduate students, and young professionals from all backgrounds. Program participants pursue graduate study, conduct research, or teach English abroad.

Host Institution(s):

Universities, Academic Institutions, Organizations in 140 countries around the world

Types of Awards and Discipline:

Fulbright encourages applications from all fields, including interdisciplinary ones. View the different types of awards offered here.

Number of Awards:

Not specified

Target group:

Citizens or nationals of the United States of America (USA)

Scholarship value/duration:

Grant benefits for all Fulbright U.S. Student grants include accident & sickness health benefits, 24/7 support line for urgent and non-urgent situations, 12 months of non-competitive eligibility (NCE) hiring status within the federal government and a stipend broadly based on the cost of living in the host country (funds may be used by the grantee to cover to room, board, and incidental costs during the grant period).

Grant lengths and dates vary by award.


View the full eligibility requirements.

Application instructions:

Applications are done online. The 2024-2025 Competition deadline is 10 October 2023, Tuesday at 5 pm Eastern Time.

It is important to visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.


Official Scholarship Website:  http://foreign.fulbrightonline.org/about/foreign-fulbright

Related Scholarships: List of International Scholarships for Americans

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