
International Scholars Program at University of British Columbia

Published in 19 Nov 2023 by @Marwen

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International Scholars Program at University of British Columbia
International Scholars Program at University of British Columbia

Brief description:

UBC’s International Scholars Program offers four categories of prestigious need-and-merit-based awards to international students:

Karen McKellin International Leader of Tomorrow Award recognizes exceptional prospective international undergraduate students who demonstrate superior academic achievement and exemplary leadership skills that support and empower others through collaboration, empathy and active listening. 

Donald A. Wehrung International Student Award recognizes outstanding international undergraduate students from impoverished or war-torn areas who have achieved academic excellence under  challenging circumstances, and who would be unable to attend university without significant financial assistance.

International Impact Award is offered to exceptional students who have demonstrated leadership as well as commitment to and solutions for sustainability and climate change, natural resource conservation and management, social justice, equity and inclusion, or societal health and wellness. Priority is given to first generation learners and those from diverse lived backgrounds.

Vantage One Excellence Award is offered by UBC Vantage College for academically outstanding international students who do not yet meet the English Language Admission Standard for direct admission to UBC .

Host Institution(s):

University of British Columbia in Canada

Level/Field of study:

Undergraduate degrees offered by UBC except the following: UBC Okanagan Bachelor of Nursing degree, Bachelor of Dental Science in Dental Hygiene, Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science, Bachelor + Master of Management degree, dual degrees, joint degrees between UBC Okanagan and UBC Vancouver, and joint degrees with other post-secondary institutions.

Number of Awards:

Approximately 50 distributed across 4 awards

Target group:

International students

Scholarship value/inclusions/duration:

The value of the UBC International Scholars Program is proportional to your financial need. Financial need is determined by totalling tuition, fees, and living costs, and subtracting the financial contribution you and your family can make each year. A standard needs assessment is based on the financial information provided by you and your family.

Your award may be renewed for up to three additional years of undergraduate study or to degree completion – whichever comes first – provided you achieve satisfactory academic standing in your faculty, continue to demonstrate financial need, and maintain your Canadian study permit (student visa).


To be considered for the International Scholars Program:

Applicants will be considered for the Vantage One Excellence Award if:

Application instructions:

To apply for the International Scholars program, you must be nominated by your school or non-profit, and submit a reference from an academic referee. Confirm that your school or non-profit is able to nominate you, and inform your nominator and academic referee that you’d like to apply for the International Scholars Program. You won’t select which award you wish to receive when you submit your application – UBC will automatically consider you for the awards that you are eligible for.

Apply for the International Scholars Program by submitting the application by 15 November and submit your admissions application to UBC by 1 December. You must meet the UBC English Language Admission Requirement by 31 January.

It is important to visit the official website (link found below) to access the online application form and for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.


Official Scholarship Website:  http://you.ubc.ca/financial-planning/scholarships-awards-international-students/international-scholars/

Related Scholarships: List of Scholarships in Canada for International Students

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