
Link to Scholarship Application Questions and Answers

Published in 22 Aug 2023 by @Marwen

Viewed 219 times

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Link to Scholarship Application Questions and Answers

We hear you that’s why mina7portal.com has developed a set of answers to your most frequently asked questions related to scholarship application.  You can ask additional  questions in the comment box found after this post and we will try our best to answer them.

Q: Are there scholarships for [specific field of study]? Are there scholarship for [nationality]?

Q: What are the general eligibility requirements to get a scholarship?

Q: How do I apply for a scholarship?

Q: When is the best time to apply for a scholarship?

Q: Are scholarships offered every year? If I missed the application deadline this year, can I apply for it the next year?

From Neema Kallinga

Q: I have searched for scholarships so many times but I’ve failed to see scholarships offered to undergraduates. Most scholarships only cover PhD or MS/MA studies. Are there any undergraduate scholarships out there?


Q: Will a scholarship allow me to study at any University around the globe or the does it require me to study only at a specific place or university?

From Aliu and  Ngalim Adrian S. 

Q:  Do I need to gain admission into my preferred course of study in the university of my choice first before applying for a scholarship? Is it possible to get a scholarship when you don’t have admission in a university yet?

From Babalola, Yisau 

Q: Sometimes, the application form is not found at the website of the scholarship provider. How can I find the application forms easily?

From Nalumansi Moureen 

Q:  Is it possible for me to get a scholarship in the same country I am in and do i get to choose the course i want to study?

From Mahama Alhassan and Hamidatu Salia Zakari 

Q:  I have applied for a scholarship and am still waiting for a reply from the University . I want to know whether it’s advisable to call them and find out how my application is doing?  How will I know if I have  won a scholarship?

From Alexandra Muhaya

Q: I haven’t undertaken IELTS nor TOEFL  exams. Does that hinder my chances of getting a scholarship?

Related Question from Moses Byomuhangi:

I am from an English speaking country (Kenya) and i have been taught in English since i started school, would TOEFL be a requirement?

From Billy 

Q: How do you write the scholarship essay?

From  Carlos Mbuta 

Q: The issue to age is not mentioned in most scholarships I have come across. Is age not a criteria?

Related Question from Clement Irhiemi:

Q: Is there any age limit to obtaining a scholarship abroad?

From Charity Mbuvah 

Q: Is there a way for the application fee to be waived? l cannot afford to pay for it.

Related Question:

Is TOEFL exam supported by the scholarship?

From Melkamu 

Q: How can I find Universities that offer scholarships?

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