
Application Open for ISFiT Ambassador in Norway

Application Open for ISFiT Ambassador in Norway

Norvège En cours


Association professionnelle, Parcourir ses opportunités similaires


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Application Open for ISFiT Ambassador in Norway

ISFiT is short for the “International Student Festival in Trondheim”. What the name does not say, is that ISFiT is also the world’s largest international student festival. ISFiT is a non-profit organization and is brought to life with the efforts of more than 400 student volunteers. The vision of ISFiT is to create a better future for young people in the world.

ISFiT is arranged every other year, and each festival has a theme related to social and political topics with international relevance. The festival is held in the city of Trondheim, Norway. Here, over 450 students from all over the world gather to attend 18 different workshops and take part in the cultural program of the festival. The next festival will be held in February 2019.

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Provider: ISFit

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