
Global Business Development Internship | Shanghai, China

Global Business Development Internship | Shanghai, China

Chine En cours


Récompense totale
0 $
Pays hôte
Date limite
En cours
Niveau d'études
Type d'opportunité
Financement d'opportunité
Financement complet
Pays éligibles
Cette opportunité est destiné à tous les pays
Région éligible
Toutes les régions


  • School credit
  • Career mentorship
  • Letter of recommendation
  • International experience
  • Full-time offer (pending performance)


  • Candidate must be fluent in English (additional language is preferred).
  • Candidates must be currently enrolled in an accredited university.
  • Majoring in marketing, international business, digital, communications or PR (MBA candidates preferred).
  • Must have strong written and verbal negotiation skills.
  • Self-starter and motivated individual.
  • Enthusiastic, creative and detail-oriented.
  • Strong interest in the digital e-commerce industry.
  • Creative problem-solving skills, positive attitude and pro-active.
  • Microsoft Office software skills.
Eligible Regions: US, UK, Canada, France, Germany, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Russia, Australia, Singapore.

Application Process

Please send your CV and a cover letter to [email protected]

NOTE: Candidates must obtain their own visas. They can provide an invitation letter, but they do not provide visa sponsorship, but they can provide instructions on how to obtain a Chinese visa.

Apply nowOfficial link

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