Each scholarship is worth a minimum of £10,000, equivalent of one year’s tuition of a postgraduate (taught) degree.
be a citizen of one of the programme’s countries: China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia,Thailand and Turkey.
have an undergraduate degree that will enable you to enter a postgraduate (taught) programme in a UK university
be motivated and academically able to follow a UK postgraduate course
active in the field with work experience or proven interest in the subject area
meet the English language requirement of the UK university
be willing to embody the UK Higher Education experience, by attending lectures and tutorials and engaging with extra-curricular activities, and act as an ambassador for UK Higher Education, by promoting the value of studying at a UK HEI
be willing to establish an engagement with the UK as a scholar, through personal and academic fulfilment
Represent the high standards of the GREAT brand by becoming an advocate for scholarships
be willing to attend a networking event of all UK-based GREAT scholars, to discuss experiences and capture perceptions of studying in the UK
Eligible Regions: China, India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey or Thailand
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