
Paid Federation Planning and Steering Internship at SOS in Austria

Paid Federation Planning and Steering Internship at SOS in Austria

Autriche En cours


Association professionnelle, Parcourir ses opportunités similaires


Récompense totale
0 $
Association professionnelle
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En cours
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Type d'opportunité
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Financement complet
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Applications are now open for Paid Federation Planning and Steering Internship at SOS in Austria. SOS Children’s Villages International is the umbrella organization for the global federation of SOS Children’s Villages. As a non-governmental social development organization, SOS support children without parental care and families in difficult living conditions through services in care, education, health, and emergency relief, and we advocate for the rights of children and young people, in alliance with a great diversity of partners. The Federation Planning and Steering team invites the eligible and dynamic candidates for an internship program in SOS Children’s Village in Austria.

Benefits of Federation Planning and Steering Internship at SOS

SOS Children’s village international offers the following packages and benefits for their hardworking interns

What will Federation Planning and Steering Intern do at SOS?

The Federation Planning and Steering Intern will help the organization by performing the following duties

Requirements and Qualifications

The candidates with the following qualifications in their biodata are eligible for the internship.

Application Process

Provider: SOS

Contact provider: [email protected]

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