
Paid Marketing Internship at P&G, Chile

Paid Marketing Internship at P&G, Chile

Chile En cours


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Paid Marketing Internship ia available at P&G office in Chile. P & G is offering Marketing Internships for students looking for challenging internship opportunities. The company is looking for leaders, who set priorities, follow on commitments and also work effectively with diverse group of people. You will get an internship in a multi-functional Brand team – organized around the brands that sell in Chile (Ariel, Pampers, Gillette, OralB, Always, Head&Shoulders, Pantene) . Furthermore, you will become a part of team consisting of managers with different functional expertise and background (Brand Management, but also Sales, Finance, Product Supply, Advertising and Media agencies).


Provider: P & G

Related keywords : chile, internship, internship opportunities, internship opportunities for students, opportunities, opportunities for students, opportunity, opportunity for students, p&g, paid internships, paid marketing internship at p&g,

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