
Spring Internship 2024 at Harper Collins in Tennessee

Spring Internship 2024 at Harper Collins in Tennessee

États-Unis En cours


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Harper Collins calls applications for Spring 2020 Marketing Internship in Tennessee, United States of America. The intern will join the Nelson Books Marketing team and serve during the academic year of spring 2020. The marketing intern will be responsible for assisting Nelson Books’ marketing and publicity efforts during the Spring 2020 academic semester.


The ideal candidate will be doing the following tasks


Candidates must have the following qualifications in order to be eligible for the Spring Internship 2020 at Harper Collins in Tennessee


HarperCollins Publishers LLC is the world’s largest publishing company and is one of the Big Five English-language publishing companies. Harper Collins has publishing groups in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, India, and China. The company publishes many different imprints, both former independent publishing houses, and new imprints. The worldwide CEO of HarperCollins is Brian Murray and has headquarter in New York, the United States of America.


Provider: Harper Collins

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