
Study your Master's degree in Advertising and Marketing Communications at Webster University.

Study your Master's degree in Advertising and Marketing Communications at Webster University.

Webster University

Webster University

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Course Name : M.A. Advertising and Marketing Communications

Course Type : Postgraduate

Career Path : Marketing

About :

The master of arts (MA) degree in advertising and marketing communications is intended for students interested in advertising and marketing communications, with or without academic or professional experience in the field. This degree prepares inexperienced students for a successful career in advertising and marketing communications and provides experienced students with the additional theory and application necessary to advance in their careers.

Students entering this program with a strong educational background or a minimum of three years of relevant professional experience in this area may be eligible to waive one of the required core courses and should consult with a School of Communications academic advisor prior to registration to discuss their qualifications.

Our degrees are theory and application based and are not intended to be production-oriented. Students interested in developing a creative portfolio or acquiring tactical production skills may wish to consider undergraduate course work in advertising.

Learning Outcomes

Successful graduates of this program will be able to:

    Utilize essential industry terminology, theories and principles to analyze an organization's situation from a marketing communications perspective.
    Determine appropriate advertising and marketing communications objectives, strategies, and tactics that anticipate consumer trends and utilize traditional and new technologies in order to accomplish an organization's marketing communications goals.
    Develop strategic, multi-platform marketing communication programs that challenge conventional thinking and foster breakthrough advertising and marketing communication strategies.
    Evaluate the effectiveness of a marketing communications plan to accomplish an organization's goals.
    Distinguish the influences of culture and international practices on global advertising and marketing communications.

Entry Requirements :

•Signed Application Form
•Proof of English Proficiency:
– TOEFL: PBT 550 | iBT 80
– IELTS: 6.5
– Pearson: 53
•Undergraduate Transcripts
•Essay: 300-500 word essay on a topic of your choice OR Curriculum Vitae (CV)
•One Letter of Recommendation
•Certificate of Finance showing $Tuition plus $16,000
•Copy of Passport ID Page
•Official University/College Transcripts (for Transfer Students)
•Some programs have additional entry requirements. Please contact your advisor for more information.

Program Duration : 18 months - 2 years (36 Credit Hours)

Fees : $26,280 (Full program Tuition)

Locations : St. Louis Webster Groves

Intake : August-17, October-17, January-18, March-18, May-18

Application Link :


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Bourses de Master 2024 bourse d'étude 2024-2025 master bourses de master entièrement financées pour les pays en développement 2024-2025 Master MSC Mastère de science Mastère en science théorique Mastère MBA