
The World Future Energy Summit (WFES)

The World Future Energy Summit (WFES)

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The World Future Energy Summit (WFES)

Program Date: 15th-18th January, 2018

Venue: Abu Dhabi, UAE

World Future Energy Summit continues to set the agenda for a global discussion on the future of renewable energy, clean technology and sustainability. A platform for governments, corporate decision-makers, investors, entrepreneurs and opinion makers, World Future Energy Summit is an annual meeting place that promotes dialogue, fosters knowledge transfer and accelerates strategic decision making in the pursuit of viable solutions to the world’s growing energy challenges. Our conferences are carefully researched and designed to pinpoint opportunities for growth and profitability, and provide attendees with access to the best thinking, best practices, and innovations in clean energy deployment.

The three-day conference at WFES has become a must-attend event for the renewable energy industry to hear about future infrastructure projects plans, government strategies and market-leading innovation.

In 2018, the World Future Energy Summit conference will focus on trends in financing renewable energy projects, the importance of energy efficiency in both existing and future buildings, smart infrastructure and innovation. It will include two in-depth country focuses, discussing solar, wind and nuclear energy opportunities and trends in Saudi Arabia and India, two of the world’s most exciting countries for future clean energy projects.

Official Link:

Deadline: Ongoing


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