
International PhD Fellowships at Max Planck Research School for Ultrafast Imaging & Structural Dynamics

Published in 05 Jan 2024 by @Marwen

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International PhD Fellowships at Max Planck Research School for Ultrafast Imaging & Structural Dynamics
International PhD Fellowships at Max Planck Research School for Ultrafast Imaging & Structural Dynamics

Brief description: [ad#contentadtext]

The research focuses on ultra-intense electron and x-ray sources for directly observing atomic motions during primary events, and ultrafast imaging over the relevant length and time scales to come to new levels of understanding of the interplay between structure and dynamics. Specific areas include theoretical and experimental aspects of condensed matter and atomically resolved dynamics, fundamental light-matter interaction, accelerator-based light sources, coherent imaging, coherent controlled molecular and solid state dynamics, molecule imaging, extreme timescale spectroscopy, ultrafast optics and x-ray science, relevance and applications in chemistry, biology and medicine.

Host Institution(s):

The International Max Planck Research School for Ultrafast Imaging & Structural Dynamics (IMPRS-UFAST) is a joint venture of the Max Planck Institute for Structural Dynamics (MPSD), Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY), the Universität Hamburg and the European XFEL GmbH.

Field(s) of study:

Physics or Chemistry

Number of Scholarships:

Up to 15

Target group:

Excellent students from all over the world. The language of tuition and research is English.

Scholarship value/inclusions:

The Ph.D. scholarships are funded by stipends of approximately 1350 EUR per month for three years. This is enough to cover living expenses in Hamburg as well as compulsory health insurance and the semester fee at the Universität Hamburg (285 EUR per semester). Stipends are tax-exempt.


We are looking for motivated applicants with an excellent academic background and an interest in ultrafast science and the structural dynamics of molecules. Applicants will hold (or are about to complete) an M.Sc. degree or an equivalent degree in physics, chemistry or related areas.

Application instructions:

Applications must be submitted online at the official website. Applications sent by e-mail or post will not be considered. The deadline is 13 January 2014. Ph.D. projects start in summer/autumn 2014.

It is important to visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.

Contact information:

Please address your questions to imprs.ufast[at]mpsd.mpg.de.


Official Scholarship Website: http://www.imprs-ufast.de/

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