
Forum Bourse d'études Q & R pour étudiants internationaux

Ce forum est une communauté, contient des questions et des réponses pour le processus de candidature aux différentes bourses. Il ya plus de 1550 questions posées. Il est 100% gratuit, inscription requise.

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I want to know if there's a scholarships for the journalism mass comminucation field for master degree please .?

19 oct. 2016
Mufti ( Tunisie )

1-What are the disciplines covered by the scholarship?

2-What language are teaching them?

3-What are the conditions necessary to apply for scholarship?


29 sept. 2016
yaccer ( Algérie )

pleas can i know how to apply for this scholarship

26 sept. 2016
ram _dalgamouni ( Jordanie )

How can I apply for the scholarship.

Can I have the link of the scholarship?

Please send me an e-mail on :

30 août 2016
SalmaBH ( Tunisie )

how can i apply for this scholarship? My email:

18 août 2016
meriamKedidi ( Tunisie )

Hi am abdelmonim am from sudan.i have a bacholar in business manganment i want to do master in project manganment or any realted filed .i found this funded scholarship . so i have some qoustions. to apply for this scholarship?

2.what the requiredment things and prosses of the scholarship?

3.which university and what courses?

09 août 2016
abdelmonim gamal

bonjour suite a votre article,2016-2017-swiss-scholarships-fully-funded

j'aimerais bien avoir le lien pour postuler a l'offre de 2016 2017 qui a selon vous été mise en ligne en aout 2016

05 août 2016

This is Shimaa Abd Elbaki writing from Egypt . I am an Oncologist physician fellowship got 6 years experience

in my field ,Ask for Fellowships ,Grants, Scholarships related to medical sciences of my field ?



25 juil. 2016
Shymaaa ( Egypte ),scholarship-at-laval-university-canada-for-bachelor-degree-2017-2018

S'il vous plait comment je fais pour prendre ce bourse . Je suis interessée pour ça  

12 juil. 2016
Zouzou ( Tunisie )

%u0643%u064A%u0641 %u064A%u0645%u0643%u0646%u0646%u064A %u0627%u0644%u062A%u0642%u062F%u064A%u0645 %u0644%u0644%u0645%u0646%u062D%u0629 %u0627%u0644%u0643%u0646%u062F%u064A%u0629 %u0639%u0644%u0649 %u0634%u0647%u0627%u062F%u0629 %u0627%u0644%u0628%u0643%u0644%u0648%u0631%u064A%u0627 

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06 juil. 2016
jaafar-alrbat ( Syrie )

Can you find some scholarships for adult skills trainings since some people fail to get education in early age yet have interest in getting trained in skills especially here in the developing countries?

28 avr. 2016
Geoffrey ( Ouganda )

Bonjour, comment postuler à cet offre ??,scholarships-in-saudi-arabia



24 avr. 2016


what are the necessary documents to apply for the scholarships studies Codersia 'PhD specialties in agriculture and whether there is a link for submission.

Best regrads,


21 avr. 2016
NES-Tina ( Tunisie )


How can I apply to this scholarship?

Is there any application whish I have to do?

thank you in advance.

My best regards

02 avr. 2016

When the application for the Japanese goverment scholarship will open ?

01 avr. 2016
Csound ( Tunisie )

I am new to this website, and It's not clear how to apply for scholarships... I would apprrciate your help in this matter.

01 avr. 2016
Ezzuldeen ( Yemen )

How to apply for a scholarship%u061F

18 mars 2016
gias ( Jordanie )

sir/ madam am want full details about your scholarship, focult of education.

13 mars 2016

How can I get the details about the scholarship, the application form and the criteria as well?


26 févr. 2016
Anthère ( Burundi )

%u0627%u0644%u0633%u0644%u0627%u0645 %u0639%u0644%u064A%u0643%u0645 


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%u0641%u064A %u0633%u0648%u064A%u0633%u0631%u0627 

%u0641%u064A %u0647%u0630%u0627 %u0627%u0644%u0645%u0648%u0636%u0648%u0639 :,2016-2017-swiss-scholarships-fully-funded

%u0645%u0627 %u0647%u064A %u0645%u062A%u0637%u0644%u0628%u0627%u062A %u0627%u0644%u0645%u0646%u062D%u0629 

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%u0648%u0623%u0643%u0648%u0646 %u0634%u0627%u0643%u0631 %u0644%u0643%u0645 

17 févr. 2016

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