
Forum Bourse d'études Q & R pour étudiants internationaux

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hello im a master degree student in molecular biologie tunisia i will finsh my
Masters memory in december 2017 im looking forward to continue my research in genetics abroad i would apreciate if you please give some informaton about available apportunities . thank you very much for your time

25 oct. 2016

how can i apply for this oppurunity ?

23 sept. 2016


I am a Tunisian second-year master degree student at engineering telecommunication field . I would continue my Ph.D. abroad. How apply for this opportunity? 

should I contact the ministry of high education ? or directly I submit my documents in the Korean Ambassade ? 


12 juin 2016


I check the website and I could not understand how to apply as a tunisian citizen. thanks to explain a little. Rached

11 avr. 2016
Rached81 ( Tunisie )

Dear Mr/Mrs

I have discovered that the deadline for this scholarship in Tunisia was on october 2015,whereas it was mentionned that the deadline is on the 15th of May 2016,can i still apply? I am a graduate student enrolled in the 1st year of agregation in English language,literature and civilization.

deadline tunisia
08 janv. 2016
fadoua2015 ( Tunisie )

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