
CONACYT, Mexican Scholarship Program

CONACYT, Mexican Scholarship Program

Australie En cours
L'université de Queensland en Australie

L'université de Queensland en Australie

Université étatique, Parcourir ses opportunités similaires


Récompense totale
0 $
Université étatique
Pays hôte
Date limite
En cours
Niveau d'études
Type d'opportunité
Financement d'opportunité
Financement complet
Pays éligibles
Cette opportunité est destiné à tous les pays
Région éligible
Toutes les régions


The National Council for Science and Technology, the United Mexican States (CONACYT) has the largest scholarship program for postgraduate studies in Mexico, with more than 40 years of experience in managing scholarships.   Their scholarship program provides access to the Mexican population to complete high-level postgraduate students in academic institutions of excellence, both in the country and abroad.  CONACYT’s mission is to promote continuous improvement to the quality of Mexican graduates, to give support to increasing scientific, technological, social, humanistic skills, and increase innovation the country.


To be eligible for this scholarship you must:

  • be a citizen of Mexico
  • have applied for a masters or higher degree by research program at The University of Queensland
  • satisfy the general and specific requirements and been awarded the CONACYT scholarship
  • meet the academic requirements for entry to The University of Queensland and been offered a place in the program
  • commence full-time enrolment as an onshore international student at The University of Queensland

Check further CONACYT eligibility requirements on the CONACYT website.

Scholarship value : Tuition fees and living allowance

Number awarded : Varies

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