
Crisis Response Internship in FHI 360 in United States

Crisis Response Internship in FHI 360 in United States

États-Unis En cours


Association professionnelle, Parcourir ses opportunités similaires


Récompense totale
0 $
Association professionnelle
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En cours
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Financement complet
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FHI 360 calls application for Crisis Response Internship in Washington DC, United States.

The successful candidate will be exposed to topics in humanitarian assistance – including Essential Health programming in emergencies, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene programming (WASH) in emergencies, Protection and Gender considerations, and Essential Nutrition programming in humanitarian contexts. The internship will be carried out under the supervision of highly experienced senior staff member(s) of the team and will provide sufficient coaching and exposure to the subject matter.

Key Responsibilities 

Learning Elements

From this Crisis Response Internship, interns will gain practical experience to supplement academic studies by:


FHI 360

FHI 360 (formerly Family Health International) is a non-profitable humanitarian organization with headquarter in North Carolina. Since its establishment in 1971, it has been serving more than 70 countries to upgrade health standards. Basically, this organization works to prevent several infectious and chronic diseases. However, it has been fighting to prevent HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Tuberculosis, etc since its first day of operation.

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