
Gain Global Leadership, Management and Business Skills

Gain Global Leadership, Management and Business Skills

États-Unis En cours


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Advance your career by completing the Thunderbird Global Business Leadership & Management (GBLM) MicroMasters program certificate. Certificate credits can be applied toward an accredited master degree the Master of Applied Leadership & Management

Through completion of this program you will learn how to identify risks and opportunities in global business settings and acquire strategies for mastering interpersonal encounters in multicultural environments through effective communication, people management, and marketing skills. You will also gain leadership skills, the ability to adapt to ever-changing business environments, as well as learn to tolerate ambiguity, while developing a passion for appreciating other cultures.

The Global Business Leadership & Management MicroMasters program from the prestigious Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University offers a highly specialized global management education that will open pathways to leadership roles in multinational corporations as well as in non-governmental organizations.

Leveraging Thunderbirds 70 years of expertise and top international rankings, the MicroMasters program will equip you with management skills essential for conducting global business successfully. Successful completion of this MicroMasters program will earn you the opportunity to be accepted into the Master of Applied Leadership & Management Thunderbird master degree program, which can be taken fully online.

What you will learn

Provider: Arizona State University

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