
Google International Research Internship

Google International Research Internship

France En cours


Association professionnelle, Parcourir ses opportunités similaires


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Research happens across Google every day, in many different teams. With research that has already impacted user-facing services across Google including Search, Maps, and Google Now, Google is seeking innovative and enthusiastic young minds to further advance in the research. Hence, Google announces an international research internship. Research also plays a central role in the success of Google Cloud and our planet-scale computing, storage, and networking infrastructure.

At Google, Research Interns (RIs) aren’t cloistered in the lab, but instead, they work closely with Software Engineers (SEs). With  SEs, RIs discover, invent, and build at the largest scale. Ideas may come from internal projects as well as from collaborations with research programs at partner universities and technical institutes all over the world. From creating experiments and prototyping implementations to designing new architectures, Research Interns and Software Engineers work on challenges in artificial intelligence, machine perception, data mining, machine learning, natural language understanding, privacy, computer architecture, networking, operating systems, storage and data management, and much more.


Preferred qualifications:

Provider: Google

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