
IAVA Policy Internship in Washington DC

IAVA Policy Internship in Washington DC

États-Unis En cours


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Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) announces Policy internship in Washington DC. IAVA is the premier veterans advocacy as well as support organization on the planet. It is the tip-of-the-spear non-profit engine of impact that connects, unites and empowers over 400,000 veterans and allies nationwide. Further, it advocates public awareness and 1-on-1 case-management support. Also, it organizes locally and drives historic impacts nationally.

IAVA’s Policy Division is the face and voice of veterans on Capitol Hill. The Policy team has been instrumental in the most significant veterans’ advocacy victories, winning major battles in Congress (like the GI Bill), helping tho,usands of veterans nationwide, and making national headlines daily. Moreover, the Policy Internship at IAVA will provide interns an opportunity to assist the policy team in building relationships with allied advocacy organizations. Further, the Policy Intern will report to the Political Director.


All candidates applying for IAVA Policy Intern must be eligible to receive academic credit from their college or university and commit a minimum of 20 working hours per week. Please consult with your career office or academic advisor to determine eligibility prior to applying.



How To Apply

Applicants wishing to submit their candidacy for IAVA policy internship may do so by filling up the online form.

Provider: IAVA

Contact provider: [email protected]

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