
KAUST Internship (VSRP) 2024- Fully Funded

KAUST Internship (VSRP) 2024- Fully Funded

Arabie Saoudite En cours


Association professionnelle, Parcourir ses opportunités similaires


Récompense totale
0 $
Association professionnelle
Pays hôte
Date limite
En cours
Niveau d'études
Type d'opportunité
Financement d'opportunité
Financement complet
Pays éligibles
Cette opportunité est destiné à tous les pays
Région éligible
Toutes les régions

The KAUST Internship Visiting Student Research Program (VSRP) is a one of a kind program that offers understudies the opportunity to direct inventive exploration at KAUST.

With research openings that length the expansiveness of the logical and designing fields, driven understudies with an unquenchable interest and solid scholastic execution can increase unmatched chances to seek after their exploration inquiries under the direction and backing of KAUST workforce coaches. Prepare to contribute your thoughts in a global examination network.

The temporary position benefits incorporate $1000 USD month to month allowance, private room, visa and airfare liberates, medical coverage, and then some!

For KAUST Youth Internship Program, all students, graduates and Masters Students are qualified to document their applications for. The term of this program will be from 3 to a half year. During the temporary position program, understudies will likewise be getting a charge out of extra time and social exercises.

Benefits of KAUST Internship (VSRP) 2020

For KAUST Internship 2020, there are various monetary advantages accessible. This Fully Funded Internship will cover the entirety of your costs. It is additionally a paid temporary job implying that you will be paid during the bury transport time separated from different costs to be secured by the college. How about we look at complete advantages beneath:


To be eligible for the internship, the applicant must fulfil the following eligibility criteria

Documents Required

Related keywords : academic conferences, career opportunities, funded scholarships, international conference, international conferences, jobs, opportunities, opportunities for students, opportunities for youths, opportunity for youths,

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