
Paid Deforestation Research Internship at WWF USA 2024

Paid Deforestation Research Internship at WWF USA 2024

États-Unis En cours


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Applications are now open for Paid Deforestation Research Internship at WWF USA 2020. Deforestation and forest degradation continue to be critical topics in the global environmental, biodiversity conservation and climate change agendas. Despite increasing commitments from governments and non-state actors and several innovative initiatives implemented on the ground, forests continue to be degraded and lost at an alarming rate.

Furthermore, there is a need to place greater emphasis on forest degradation, and its interactions with deforestation, to assess whether deforestation is an unavoidable consequence of forest degradation, or whether deforestation-free initiatives are simultaneously contributing to improved forest quality – this in the context of wider debates on climate change mitigation, and strategies for protecting forest ecosystem services.

This internship will support WWF’s ongoing efforts to analyze the state, threats, drivers, and responses related to the managed forest. The candidate will be working with the WWF Forest Team in Washington, DC to collect, review and synthesize spatial and non-spatial datasets on the state of forests, as well as drivers and responses related to deforestation and forest degradation, in select geographies.

What will Deforestation Research Intern do at WWF?

The intern will assist WWF supervisors to:

Requirements and Qualification

How to apply for Deforestation Research Internship at WWF?

All the applicants must submit a resume & cover letter through WWF’s Careers page.

Provider: WWF

Related keywords : career opportunities opportunities for students, internship, internships, internships at wwf, internships in usa, opportunities, opportunities for youths, paid internships in usa, united states of america, us, usa, youths,

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