
Paid Internship in SOS Children’s Village International

Paid Internship in SOS Children’s Village International

Autriche En cours


Association professionnelle, Parcourir ses opportunités similaires


Récompense totale
0 $
Association professionnelle
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SOS Children’s Village International calls application for a paid internship position to assist the team of Federal Planning and Steering as part of the Finance & Controlling function. Moreover, the internship will be 6-9 months long where the intern will have to serve 15-25 hours per week.

As a non-governmental social development organization, SOS support children without parental care and families in difficult living conditions through services in care, education, health, and emergency relief, and SOS also advocate for the rights of children and young people, in alliance with a great diversity of partners.




This is a paid internship as SOS Children’s Village International offers a fixed gross salary of € 1.050 per month on a full-time basis for their interns. In addition to that, SOS offers a diverse range of interesting tasks in a leading INGO multicultural working environment.

Application Process 

Provider: SOS Children's Village International

Related keywords : international internships, internship, internship in austria, internship in sos, internship opportunities, internships, opportunities, opportunities for students, opportunities for young leaders, opportunities for youths, undergraduate internship,

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