
Volunteering Opportunity at Save the Children in United States

Volunteering Opportunity at Save the Children in United States

États-Unis En cours


Association professionnelle, Parcourir ses opportunités similaires


Récompense totale
0 $
Association professionnelle
Pays hôte
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En cours
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Type d'opportunité
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Financement complet
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The Payroll Team of the Save the Children is seeking caliber candidates for the role of Finance- International Tax Skilled Volunteer. This volunteering opportunity is available at the United States office of Save the Children. And the working shift will be 10 hours per week.

About Save the Children

The Save the Children Fund commonly known as Save the Children is the social-humanitarian organization. It is working on the welfare and protection of children since its establishment in 1919 in London. The main objective and focus of the organization is to improve the lives of children through better education, health care, and economic opportunities, as well as providing emergency aid in natural disasters, war, and other conflicts.


This volunteering opportunity at Save the Children will serve you the opportunity to be a part of a global mission for the welfare of children.  A family-friendly working environment and a highly collaborative and innovative team will be there for you. In addition to that, we will have a networking program with managers across the organization as well as a flexible schedule to work. The knowledge that the work you are supporting is changing the lives of children all around the world.


The appointee volunteer will provide expert guidance on various international tax and business-related matters. S/he will also help create related documentation the team can utilize on an ongoing basis. In addition to that, the incumbent will do the following functions


The Save the Children will serve this volunteering opportunity to the best and most deserving candidate who also has the following specifications

This position is not open to a student or applicant who has graduation within 6 months of the start date.



Provider: Save the Children

Related keywords : 2020 opportunities, internship, internship opportunities, internship opportunities in usa, internships, opportunities for youths, opportunties for students, save the children, save the children internship, save the children internships,

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