
Wellcome Photo Competition for Professional Photographers and Students in the Field of Mental Health

Wellcome Photo Competition for Professional Photographers and Students in the Field of Mental Health

عبر الإنترنت 16 déc. 2019
Wellcome Trust

Wellcome Trust

Organisation à but non lucratif, Parcourir ses opportunités similaires


Récompense totale
0 $
Organisation à but non lucratif
Pays hôte
Date limite
16 déc. 2019
Financement d'opportunité
Financement complet
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Wellcome Photography Prize 2020 invites professional, student and amateur photographers to apply for its competition which celebrates compelling imagery that will encourage conversations about the health challenges of the time. The theme of the contest this year is Mental Health.


  • The competition is free to enter and you can submit as many images as you like, except for the Mental Health Series category where you can submit a maximum of five.
  • You cannot enter the same image in more than one category.
  • The competition is looking for images that:
  1. Provide insights into the impact of health conditions, disease, and disability.
  2. Raise awareness of health issues that are little-known.
  3. Look at how health systems impact society.
  4. Explore healthcare delivery, whether high-tech hospital treatment or improvised medicine in the field.
  5. Highlight people that contribute to healthcare behind the scenes.
  6. Explore medical technology used in social contexts.
  • You can enter in any of the following five categories, using any form of photography including documentary, reportage, portrait, landscape, fine art photography or collage:
  1. Social Perspectives (single image): explore how good and bad health affects society.
  2. Hidden Worlds (single image): expose hidden details, combat health taboos or reveal places difficult to access.
  3. Medicine in Focus (single image): show healthcare, medicine or surgery up close and personal.
  4. Mental Health (single image): dispel the visual clichés of mental illness, fight stigmas and explore an individual's experience or recovery.
  5. Mental Health (series of up to five images): tell a story through related images that explore the spectrum of mental health to mental ill-health.


  • The winner of each category will receive £1,250, with the overall winner receiving a prize of £15,000 at an awards ceremony in London. All shortlisted images will go on show at a public exhibition in London.
  • If you’re a winner, there will be opportunities to showcase your work to a range of audiences. The winning images receive extensive international media coverage each year. 
  • One entrant of the Medicine in Focus category will be invited to produce the Julie Dorrington commission, a photo story exploring and documenting a patient’s journey with their condition.

About Wellcome:

Wellcome is a politically and financially independent foundation that supports researchers, takes on big health challenges, campaigns for better science and helps everyone get involved with science and health research. The foundation’s funding supports over 14,000 people in more than 70 countries. In the next five years, it aims to spend up to £5 billion helping thousands of curious, passionate people all over the world explore ideas in science, population health, medical innovation, the humanities, and social sciences and public engagement.

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