
Fully-Funded Volunteering Opportunities 2024 at United Nations

Fully-Funded Volunteering Opportunities 2024 at United Nations

All UN Countries En cours


Association professionnelle, Parcourir ses opportunités similaires


Récompense totale
0 $
Association professionnelle
Pays hôte
Date limite
En cours
Niveau d'études
Type d'opportunité
Financement d'opportunité
Financement complet
Pays éligibles
Cette opportunité est destiné à tous les pays
Région éligible
Toutes les régions

Applications are open for the fully funded volunteering opportunity at the United Nations. UN Volunteer mobilizes volunteers to serve in UN agencies, both in development programs and peacekeeping operations. Its objective is to push the participants to participate in their own development.

About UN Volunteers Program

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme contributes to peace and development through volunteerism worldwide. We work with partners to integrate qualified, highly motivated and well supported UN Volunteers into development programming and promote the value and global recognition of volunteerism. UNV is administered by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and reports to the UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Executive Board.

Volunteering abroad is an unbeatable opportunity to serve as a global citizen. International UN Volunteers promote peace and development in communities around the globe, while upholding the ideals and aspirations of the United Nations. These Volunteers come from 160 countries, representing many cultures and backgrounds, bringing a wide variety of perspectives and approaches. The international UN Volunteer assignment will make a lasting impact, creating a ripple effect, that extends far beyond the immediate results of volunteer’s efforts. As an international UN Volunteer, you will learn about different cultures, expand your networks, study foreign languages and gain matchless professional and life experiences.


The selected applicants shall gain:

Eligibility for Volunteering at United Nations

The applicants have to be:

Provider: United Nations

Related keywords : fully funded, opportunities, opportunities for students, opportunities for youth, opportunity, opportunity for student, opportunity for students, opportunity for youths, scholarships, united nations,

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