
Monthly Grants of $1,000 to Support Ideas and Projects from Awesome Disability 2020

Monthly Grants of $1,000 to Support Ideas and Projects from Awesome Disability 2020

Algérie 19 févr. 2030
The Awesome Foundation

The Awesome Foundation

Organisation à but non lucratif, Parcourir ses opportunités similaires


Organisation à but non lucratif
Pays hôte
Date limite
19 févr. 2030
Niveau d'études
Type d'opportunité
Financement d'opportunité
Non financé
Pays éligibles
Région éligible
Toutes les régions

The Awesome Foundation Disability Chapter, or Awesome Disability, consists of 10 trustees, all of whom identify as having a disability. They are a supergroup of 10 changemakers, entrepreneurs and advocates from all over the world, from the United States to New Zealand, to South Africa. Their work lives and personal lives intersect with disability daily. Together, they award a monthly $1,000 micro-grants to people and projects that are working hard to make a positive difference in the disability community.

Awesome Disability empowers innovators in the disability community through access to funding. Not only can $1,000 turn an incredible idea into a reality, but also it can instill confidence in individuals who are part of a community that experiences inequality and a lack of support all too often. Awesome Disability has come together to empower the development of solutions for the disabled community, by the disabled community.

Awesome Disability is looking for innovation, a clear outline of what the grant will be used for, and the grant’s importance for the project. Everyone is encouraged to apply, regardless of the stage of their project. Note that some trustees prefer to shortlist individuals that identify as disabled or organizations that are run by disabled people. Applications open at the start of each month and close on the 15th, with a decision on the winning project made by the end of the month.

How it works:

  • 10-ish Trustees (on average) each contribute $100 per month.
  • People with awesome ideas submit an application for the grant. 
  • The trustees review and discuss the applications, and pick the best one.
  • The winner is given $1000, with no strings attached.
  • The process is repeated every month, in order to spread the awesomeness.

About Awesome Foundation:

The Awesome Foundation for the arts and sciences is an international network of autonomous chapters of philanthropists that provide small grants for projects to "people devoted to forwarding the interest of awesomeness in the universe." Most chapters consist of ten trustees who pool contributions in a crowd-funding model and award a $1,000 grant each month to a project and person of their choice. Awesome chapters assume no ownership of the projects they fund and provide the funds with no strings attached.

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